Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Paralysis by Analysis

Paralysis by Analysis is a humoristic phrase used to indicate the situation wherein no decision at all can be made due to devoting disproportionate effort to the analysis phase of a decision.

It is quite simple to hit a brick wall when trying to make difficult decisions. I have found that, while trying to overcome major obstacles in my life, I have been at a complete standstill with the goals and achievements I had always imagined I could and would attain.

It is so easy to get muddled with details and the lesser important things in life. Somehow the 'how you are doing' becomes more important than the 'what you are doing'. You completely lose sight of your personal goals just to get through what seems like a crisis.

I grew up putting out fires. Everything was one emergency after another. Nothing was ever, and I mean EVER, premeditated or planned for. It was always playing a game of catch up and taking care of the immediate needs rather then trying to have foresight for the future. Now, at 25, I am trying to break the pattern. I have been trying so hard to stabilize, settle and alleviate all the damage, that I have found myself right back in square one, no where. I have made no real progress and I haven't had much, if any, immediate personal crisis to stand in my way.

Years ago in college while deciding on what major to choose and direction I should go in, I drew a picture in my head of what my future would look like. Only recently, while focusing on something else (something that really shouldn't have been my focus), I thought of that picture again. And guess what, I didn't fit anymore. Obviously its not too late and 'better late then never' but it was a swift kick in the butt for me. Lately I had been re-prioritizing things anyway to achieve some of those immediate things, those minor fires to be put out, and this just reinforces the need for that.

Prioritize, bite the bullet and mobilize yourself...

I also realized something else. I am beginning to really enjoy my life. Perhaps now was the best time for me to remind myself of what I want for MYSELF. No time like the present! Get paid tomorrow or get paid today...:)

Thanks Jenn for helping me see my's time to start climbing again isn't it? :)
Happy Wednesday!

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