Friday, May 8, 2009

The Silver Lining

I'm not sure how many of you (if there are any of you out there), watch much TV. I personally don't have the motivation usually to strictly follow a paticular show, however the amount of TV I've been watching has increased considerably since living with Sharon. There have been some shows that I loved, yet I would only ever watch them when I had time to, or if I happen to be plopped on the couch when they were on. I've begun to follow so many shows with Sharon. She has sucked me into this virtual environment and all the little stories and dramas and competitions have become quite enthrawling. There are even a few shows now that only I enjoy that are on our DVR list! I am quite the convert.
Anyway, there is a point to this tangent. Last night after watching Grey's Anatomy a new show came on before we changed the channel to the next show on our list of 'Must Watch'. It's called the Adventures of the Incurable Optomist. It tapped into this side of me that is usually there. The hopeless romantic, the fighter, the happy go lucky Laura. As you've read, recently I have become this melodramatic person who has really been focused on the dark side of life. You may even notice in my previous blogs (all two of them), I tend to strive for some moral or lesson to be learned, something good to hope for. Some silver lining.
I think seeing the show tapped into that optomistic person in me again, whom I'd forgotten about, temporarily. I have been alot happier and alot more relaxed lately. I clearly have my days but the balance is getitng better, and watching that helped me realize it.
I think there is something magnificant to be learned from Michael J Fox and his struggles and adventures, as silly as that may sound. His perspective is rare yet I think we all have a small person inside of us that is similar. Sometimes listening to our inner optomist is harder then accepting and seeing all the negative things in life and so we can get caught up in the tainted, jaded world.
Soo, if there's anyone out there and I truly hope there is, I challange you to look at all the things in your life that you consider negative, or an obstacle and find the silver lining with each of them, whether is be a lesson to learn or a new relationship/friendship in your life or some positive consequense that is a result of this hurtle in your life...its there. You just need to acknowledge it.

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